NYC Music Services has benefited greatly from the open-source music software community over the years. We've even had a hand in updating existing resources and creating new ones.

Fonts for Sibelius

  • Norfolk fonts for Sibelius
  • Pori fonts for Sibelius
  • Lelandia fonts for Sibelius

PDF Utilities

  • PDF-BatchScale
  • PDF-BatchBooklet
  • PDF-BatchStitch
  • PDF-MusicBinder

Sibelius Plug-ins and Feed

  • Sibelius plug-ins
  • Sibelius plug-in RSS feed

We require that you provide your name and e-mail address when downloading our resources. The files will be delivered to you via a link contained in an e-mail; we will automatically notify you of any updates or changes. Your e-mail address will not be shared with anyone.

If you are downloading multiple items, you can add them all to your cart before submitting your order. Just click on each item that you would like, and it will be added.

These resources are offered as-is, and no support is available.

They are free to download and use, but you have the option to pay what you wish — just name your own price before checking out. We appreciate your support to continue their development!


If you like these resources and use them in your work, please donate to support their continued development. Thank you!

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Fonts for Sibelius

Norfolk fonts for Sibelius

The Norfolk family of fonts is a derivative of Bravura that is expressly reconfigured to work within Sibelius. Bravura is the first SMuFL-compliant music font family, designed by Daniel Spreadbury at Steinberg for Dorico, its scoring application.

Steinberg describes Bravura as drawing upon the heritage of the finest European music engraving of the 19th and early 20th centuries, with a bolder and more substantial look than most other music fonts: thin strokes are slightly thicker than in other fonts, improving the overall “blackness” of the font and its legibility when read at a distance.

More information

Because Sibelius does not support SMuFL (Standard Music Font Layout), a series of derivative fonts needed to be created in order for Bravura to be compatible with Sibelius. These fonts are:

  • Norfolk Std
  • Norfolk Text Std
  • Norfolk Special Std
  • Norfolk Special II Std
  • Norfolk Special Extra Std
  • Norfolk Ornaments Std
  • Norfolk Metronome Std
  • Norfolk Chords Std
  • Norfolk PlainChords Std
  • Norfolk Chords Sans Std
  • Norfolk PlainChords Sans Std
  • Norfolk Chords ASC Std
  • Norfolk Chords ASL Std
  • Norfolk Chords Sans ASC Std
  • Norfolk Chords Sans ASL Std
  • Norfolk Harp Std

Each Norfolk font is intended as a replacement for its analogous Opus font, with the exception of:

  • Special II, which is an additional font containing Bravura characters not found or easily replaced in Opus, such as precomposed octave clefs;
  • Harp Std, which is an additional font containing Bravura characters for use with harp techniques;
  • The ASC/ASL Std fonts, additional fonts to achieve chord symbols that place an altered bass note underneath an angled separator in a diagonal arrangement, like this:

Included with the Norfolk fonts are:

  • Academico, a serif text font designed by Daniel Spreadbury at Steinberg for Dorico and intended to pair well with Norfolk Chords and PlainChords;
  • Gothic A1, a sans-serif text font designed by HanYang I&C Co. and intended to pair well with Norfolk Chords Sans and PlainChords Sans;
  • Figurato, a figured bass font designed by Florian Kretlow.

Included along with these fonts is a house style designed to take maximum advantage of Norfolk’s characteristics. The house style is otherwise similar to Standard Opus (Times), but uses the Academico font as its main text font. You do not need the house style, Academico, or Gothic A1 to use the Norfolk fonts.

Also included is a Sibelius document intended to help transfer Norfolk Harp Std characters into an existing Sibelius document.

Instructions for use

Please read the documentation included with the download for instructions.


Norfolk Chords and Chords Sans ASC/ASL Std make use of some experimental features that are not yet fully supported in Sibelius.

The Norfolk Chords and Chords Sans ASC/ASL Std fonts will only work in Sibelius 2018.11 and higher.

For practical reasons, it was not possible to faithfully reproduce every symbol in Norfolk. Many of Sibelius’s symbols are actually composite symbols with intricate and tightly integrated positioning. Norfolk is, after all, a third-party font, and while we have tried our best to make it work as completely as possible, it is not as fully supported as the fonts that ship with Sibelius. If you have suggestions on how Norfolk can be improved, please contact us.


Norfolk derives its name from Norfolk, Connecticut, home of the Norfolk Music Festival, where Jean Sibelius conducted the premiere of his work The Oceanides during his only visit to the United States in 1914.

Matthew Maslanka of Maslanka Music Prep did all the heavy lifting porting Bravura to Norfolk, and creating the original Norfolk house style.

Jeff Kellem of Slanted Hall Type Foundry created the Norfolk chord symbol fonts, updated the Norfolk Text Std font numerals and was greatly influential in continuing to develop the Norfolk project.

Robin Walker is responsible for updating Norfolk Text Std with ligated dynamics and greatly contributed to the overall development of all of the fonts.

Bob Zawalich and Robin Walker developed the Norfolk Harp Std font and created the transfer document.

Bernie Cossentino of Twin Page Productions invented the concept of the angled slash chord font, created the Norfolk Chords ASC/ASL Std fonts based on the Norfolk Chords Std font, and greatly contributed to the overall development of the chord symbol fonts.

Bravura and Academico were designed by Daniel Spreadbury of Steinberg Media Technologies.

Figurato was designed by Florian Kretlow.

Gothic A1 was designed by HanYang I&C Co.

Special thanks to Sam Butler of Avid Technology, Inc., for permission to use to the Opus font structure in the course of creating Norfolk.


The Norfolk font family is made available under the SIL Open Font License, which means that the fonts are free to download, use, embed, redistribute with other software (including commercial software) or to create derivative versions. The only restrictions on its use are that they cannot be sold on their own, any derivative versions cannot use the reserved font names “Norfolk,” “Bravura”, “Academico,” or “Gothic A1”, and any derivative versions must likewise also be licensed under the SIL Open Font License. For more information about the SIL Open Font License, read the answers to these Frequently Asked Questions.

If you make any improvements or additions to the Norfolk family, you are invited to submit those improvements to NYC Music Services for consideration for inclusion in the fonts. Please consider allowing others in the community to benefit from any improvements you make by allowing NYC Music Services to improve the core fonts, rather than choosing to create a derivative font.

Pori fonts for Sibelius

The Pori family of fonts is a derivative of Petaluma that is expressly reconfigured to work within Sibelius. Petaluma is a SMuFL-compliant music font family, designed by Anthony Hughes at Steinberg for Dorico, its scoring application.

Steinberg describes Petaluma as a font family with a handwritten appearance, in the style of the hand copyists for Sher Publishing’s Real Book series, Ernie Mansfield and Ann Krinitsky.

More information

Because Sibelius does not support SMuFL (Standard Music Font Layout), a series of derivative fonts needed to be created in order for Petaluma to be compatible with Sibelius. These fonts are:

  • Pori Std
  • Pori Text Std
  • Pori Special Std
  • Pori Special II Std
  • Pori Special Extra Std
  • Pori Ornaments Std
  • Pori Metronome Std
  • Pori Chords Std
  • Pori PlainChords Std
  • Pori Chords ASC Std
  • Pori Chords ASL Std
  • Pori Rehearsal Enclosed Std
  • Pori Rehearsal Overline Std
  • Pori Rehearsal Underline Std

Each Pori font is intended as a replacement for its analogous Opus font, with the exception of:

  • Special II, which is an additional font containing Petaluma characters not found or easily replaced in Opus, such as precomposed octave clefs;
  • The Rehearsal fonts, text fonts derived from Petaluma Script with built-in enclosures and semi-enclosures;
  • Pori Chords ASC Std, an additional font to achieve chord symbols that place an altered bass note underneath an angled separator in a diagonal arrangement, like this:

Included with the Pori fonts is the Petaluma Script text font, designed by Daniel Spreadbury at Steinberg for Dorico and intended to pair well with Pori.

Included along with these fonts is a house style designed to take maximum advantage of Pori’s characteristics. It uses the Petaluma Script font as its main text font. You do not need the house style to use the Pori fonts.

Instructions for use

Please read the documentation included with the download for instructions.


Pori Chords ASC/ASL Std make use of some experimental features that are not yet fully supported in Sibelius.

The Pori Chords ASC/ASL Std fonts will only work in Sibelius 2018.11 and higher.

Please read the documentation for other limitations.

For practical reasons, it was not possible to faithfully reproduce every symbol in Pori. Many of Sibelius’s symbols are actually composite symbols with intricate and tightly integrated positioning. Pori is, after all, a third-party font, and while we have tried our best to make it work as completely as possible, it is not as fully supported as the fonts that ship with Sibelius. If you have suggestions on how Pori can be improved, please contact us.


Pori derives its name from the coastal city in Finland which is home of Pori Jazz, a large international jazz festival held annually in July. Alex Freeman suggested the name.

Jeff Kellem of Slanted Hall Type Foundry created the Pori fonts, did all the heavy lifting porting Petaluma to Pori, contributed to the Pori house style, and was greatly influential in continuing to develop the Pori project.

Bernie Cossentino of Twin Page Productions invented the concept of the angled slash chord font, created the Pori Chords ASC Std font based on the Pori Chords Std font, and greatly contributed to the overall development of the chord symbol fonts.

Bob Zawalich and Robin Walker assisted with testing and feedback of the Pori fonts.

Petaluma was designed by Anthony Hughes of Steinberg Media Technologies.

Petaluma Script was designed by Daniel Spreadbury of Steinberg Media Technologies.

Special thanks to Sam Butler of Avid Technology, Inc., for permission to use to the Opus font structure in the course of creating Pori.


The Pori font family is made available under the SIL Open Font License, which means that the fonts are free to download, use, embed, redistribute with other software (including commercial software) or to create derivative versions. The only restrictions on its use are that they cannot be sold on their own, any derivative versions cannot use the reserved font name “Pori” or “Petaluma”, and any derivative versions must likewise also be licensed under the SIL Open Font License. For more information about the SIL Open Font License, read the answers to these Frequently Asked Questions.

If you make any improvements or additions to the Pori family, you are invited to submit those improvements to NYC Music Services for consideration for inclusion in the fonts. Please consider allowing others in the community to benefit from any improvements you make by allowing NYC Music Services to improve the core fonts, rather than choosing to create a derivative font.

Lelandia fonts for Sibelius

The Lelandia family of fonts is a derivative of Leland that is expressly reconfigured to work within Sibelius. Leland is a SMuFL-compliant music font family, designed by Martin Keary and Simon Smith at Muse Group for MuseScore, its scoring application.

Leland is a font family modeled after the appearance of the symbols produced by the venerable SCORE music publishing application, and named after its creator, Leland Smith, who passed away in 2013.

More information

Because Sibelius does not support SMuFL (Standard Music Font Layout), a series of derivative fonts needed to be created in order for Leland to be compatible with Sibelius. These fonts are:

  • Lelandia Std
  • Lelandia Text Std
  • Lelandia Special Std
  • Lelandia Special II Std
  • Lelandia Special Extra Std
  • Lelandia Ornaments Std
  • Lelandia Metronome Std

Each Lelandia font is intended as a replacement for its analogous Opus font, with the exception of Special II, which is an additional font containing Leland characters not found or easily replaced in Opus, such as precomposed octave clefs.

Included with the Lelandia fonts are:

  • Academico, a serif text font designed by Daniel Spreadbury at Steinberg for Dorico and intended to pair well with Lelandia;
  • Gothic A1, a sans-serif text font designed by HanYang I&C Co, for compatibility with other fonts and products released by NYC Music Services;
  • Figurato, a figured bass font designed by Florian Kretlow.

Included along with these fonts is a Sibelius template with a house style designed to take maximum advantage of Lelandia’s characteristics. The house style is a simplified version of the house style used in the Scoring Express Chamber templates, but uses Lelandia as its main music font. Although you do not need the house style or the Academico font to use the Lelandia fonts, they are recommended.

Instructions for use

Please read the documentation included with the download for instructions.


For practical reasons, it was not possible to faithfully reproduce every symbol in Lelandia. Many of Sibelius’s symbols are actually composite symbols with intricate and tightly integrated positioning. Lelandia is, after all, a third-party font, and while we have tried our best to make it work as completely as possible, it is not as fully supported as the fonts that ship with Sibelius. If you have suggestions on how Lelandia can be improved, please contact us.

In certain instances, when no Leland symbol was available to incorporate into Lelandia, the corresponding Norfolk glyph was substituted in its place.


The name “Lelandia” is an homage to “Leland” and “Finlandia”, in keeping with the Finnish theme of other Sibelius items.

Jeff Kellem of Slanted Hall Type Foundry did all the heavy lifting porting Leland to Lelandia, and assisting in refining the house style.

Matthew Maslanka of Maslanka Music Prep did all the heavy lifting porting Bravura to Norfolk, and creating the original Norfolk house style, upon which elements of the Lelandia house style are derived.

Leland was designed by Martin Keary and Simon Smith of MuseScore BVBA.

Bravura and Academico were designed by Daniel Spreadbury of Steinberg Media Technologies.

Figurato was designed by Florian Kretlow.

Gothic A1 was designed by HanYang I&C Co.

Special thanks to Sam Butler of Avid Technology, Inc., for permission to use to the Opus font structure in the course of creating Norfolk.


The Lelandia font family is made available under the SIL Open Font License, which means that the fonts are free to download, use, embed, redistribute with other software (including commercial software) or to create derivative versions. The only restrictions on its use are that they cannot be sold on their own, any derivative versions cannot use the reserved font names “Lelandia,” “Leland”, “Academico,” or “Gothic A1”, and any derivative versions must likewise also be licensed under the SIL Open Font License. For more information about the SIL Open Font License, read the answers to these Frequently Asked Questions.

If you make any improvements or additions to the Lelandia family, you are invited to submit those improvements to NYC Music Services for consideration for inclusion in the fonts. Please consider allowing others in the community to benefit from any improvements you make by allowing NYC Music Services to improve the core fonts, rather than choosing to create a derivative font.

PDF Utilities

PDF - BatchScale

PDF-BatchScale quickly scales many PDF files to any size PDF. Originally intended to scale sheet music of different sizes, PDF-BatchScale should work on most PDFs, for any purpose. It’s the quickest way to resize many PDFs with one click!

PDF-BatchScale PDF scales the original PDF to the specified size of the output PDF by the largest percentage possible while still fitting within the dimensions of the output PDF. The aspect ratio of the original PDF doesn’t change, so if the output page size is different than the original PDF, PDF-BatchScale PDF will automatically add margins to the output PDF as needed.

More information

Simply drag and drop your files onto the application window, or click the Add button to locate them in your file browser.

Choose from many standard page sizes, such as ISO, North American or music sizes, or input your own custom size.

You can also change page orientation, add margins, add a prefix or suffix to the filename of the newly-generated PDF file.

Specify a new output directory or use the source directory.


The PDF Batch Utilities were developed by Abraham Lee with input from Philip Rothman.

Yiyang Wang troubleshooted and updated the most recent version of applications to run on current operating systems.


The PDF Batch Utilities are free software but you can support development by naming your own price, either at the time you register to download the software, or later, via our donation area.

You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

PDF - BatchBooklet

PDF-BatchBooklet quickly creates booklets from many PDF files. Originally intended to make booklets for sheet music, PDF-BatchBooklet should work on most PDFs, for any purpose. It’s the quickest way to make booklets from PDFs with one click!

PDF-BatchBooklet creates booklets by imposing the pages for printing. The original image size is retained. For instance, it will take letter-size pages (8.5”x11”) and impose them on 17”x11” paper. It can impose the pages to make a traditional booklet to be printed double-sided, or it can also make an accordion-style booklet to be printed on single-sided paper. An option to allow half-sheets is also available.


More information

Simply drag and drop your files onto the application window, or click the Add button to locate them in your file browser.

Choose Folded Booklet Order to create a traditional booklet for double-sided printing.

Choose Allow half sheets to create a double-sided insert on the same size page as the original PDF.

Choose Straight Page Order to create an accordion-style book for single-sided printing.

Choose Allow half sheets for the last page in an odd-numbered PDF to be created on the same size page as the original PDF.

Optionally add a prefix or suffix to the filename of the newly-generated PDF file.

Specify a new output directory or use the source directory.


The PDF Batch Utilities were developed by Abraham Lee with input from Philip Rothman.

Yiyang Wang troubleshooted and updated the most recent version of applications to run on current operating systems.


The PDF Batch Utilities are free software but you can support development by naming your own price, either at the time you register to download the software, or later, via our donation area.

You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


PDF - BatchStitch

PDF-BatchStitch is the free and fast utility that combines multiple PDFs into one file, along with the option to set the number of copies for any of the PDFs.

PDF-BatchStitch quickly combines many PDF files into one PDF.

Simply drag and drop your files onto the application window, or click the Add Files button to locate them in your file browser.

More information

Set the number of copies per part, and re-order by using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

If you plan on printing double-sided, but want to ensure each file starts on the "top" side of the paper, be sure to click the Add blank sheet to the end of files with an odd number of pages checkbox.

Click Combine to save the file. A window will appear prompting you for the file name and location.


The PDF Batch Utilities were developed by Abraham Lee with input from Philip Rothman.

Yiyang Wang troubleshooted and updated the most recent version of applications to run on current operating systems.


The PDF Batch Utilities are free software but you can support development by naming your own price, either at the time you register to download the software, or later, via our donation area.

You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

PDF - MusicBinder

PDF-MusicBinder is a fast way to create consolidated PDFs for easy printing for either accordion-style layout or stapled imposed booklets.

PDF-MusicBinder takes single-sided PDFs that are generally outputted from notation software, and rearranges them into PDFs that can be printed on larger size paper and then folded. It can even resize the PDF in one step.

Simply drag and drop your files onto the application window, or click the Add Files button to locate them in your file browser.

More information

Choose from many standard page sizes, such as ISO, North American or music sizes, or input your own custom size.

You can also change page orientation and add margins.

Choose Folded Booklet Order to create a traditional booklet for double-sided printing.

Choose Allow 1-up Sheets to create a double-sided insert on the same size page as the original PDF.

Choose Straight Page Order to create an accordion-style book for single-sided printing.

Choose Allow 1-up Sheets for the last page in an odd-numbered PDF to be created on the same size page as the original PDF.

Optionally add a prefix or suffix to the filename of the newly-generated PDF file(s).

Specify a new output directory or use the source directory. PDF-MusicBinder will create a complete binder of 2-up files (and 1-up files, if necessary) that will be print-ready.

View this instructional video for an overview of how to use PDF-MusicBinder:


The PDF Batch Utilities were developed by Abraham Lee with input from Philip Rothman.

Robert Puff contributed input to PDF-MusicBinder.

Yiyang Wang troubleshooted and updated the most recent version of applications to run on current operating systems.


The PDF Batch Utilities are free software but you can support development by naming your own price, either at the time you register to download the software, or later, via our donation area.

You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Sibelius Plug-ins and Feed

Sibelius plug-ins

This is a list of downloadable Sibelius plug-ins, usually written by Sibelius users. These plug-ins are free, but are available on an “as is” basis, and Avid does not provide support for them. It is your responsibility to determine whether the plug-ins are suitable for your needs and use is at your own risk.

The links direct you to the files stored on Sibelius plug-in download page, where more information is available. They can be viewed alphabetically by name, or sorted by other fields.

This list was originally built by Bob Zawalich and is now maintained by NYC Music Services as a service to the user community. For instructions on installing these plug-ins in Sibelius versions prior to 7, see the Sibelius plug-ins download page.

In Sibelius 7 and later, you can install plug-ins with File > Plug-ins > Install Plug-ins. Use the Find box to search for a plug-in by name.

Last updated on September 13, 2024. There are 657 plug-ins on the page. Due to some deletions, the highest plug-in ID is 696.

The plug-ins authored by Roman Molino Dunn were removed from the Sibelius plug-in download page in January 2021. Depending on the eventual fate of these plug-ins, in time, this list will be updated to reflect their status.

If you find this resource useful, please consider donating to help maintain it.

Plug-in NameAuthorCategorySibelius version
Accessible MixerChi KimAccessibility2022.3 +
Add Articulations To NotesBob ZawalichNotes and Rests6 +
Add Authentic Jazz FlipsEd HirschmanOther6 +
Add Bar Before Special Barline Bob ZawalichLayout6 +
Add Bar Number Changes For Rehearsal MarksBob ZawalichText4.1
Add Bar Rests In Empty Voices Bob ZawalichNotes and rests5 +
Add Capo Chord Symbols (Fixed)Bob ZawalichChord Symbols6 +
Add Chord DiagramsBob ZawalichOther5
Add Chord Notes Below MelodyKenneth GawNotes and rests6 +
Add Circled Number Symbols To NotesBob ZawalichText6 +
Add Cresc Dim LinesBob ZawalichText4 +
Add Cue NotesBob Zawalich and Ilkay Bora OderNotes and rests2021.2 +
Add Current Tempo As MM TextBob ZawalichText6 +
Add Fake Barlines to BarsBob ZawalichLines6 +
Add Fingering To Notes for Sibelius 5Bob ZawalichText5 +
Add Fingering To NotesBob ZawalichText5 +
Add Fingering To Notes for Sibelius 7 and LaterBob ZawalichText7 +
Add Harp Pedal DiagramsNeil SandsHarp6 +
Add Instrument Change With NamesBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools2022.9 +
Add Interval Diatonic 10thBob ZawalichNotes and Rests6 +
Add IntervalBob ZawalichNotes and rests6 +
Add LV Symbols to NotesBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools7 +
Add Note NamesSibelius SoftwareText4 +
Add Note Names And PitchBob ZawalichText3
Add Note Names To Noteheads White Bob ZawalichText5, 6
Add Notehead Names GraphicsBob Zawalich/Neil SandsText7 +
Add One Symbol Per BeatBob ZawalichOther6 +
Add or Replace System Text Bob ZawalichText3 +
Add Pickup Bar with Deleted RestsBob ZawalichComposing Tools6 +
Add Pickup Bar Bob ZawalichComposing Tools5 +
Add Pipe Ornaments Bob ZawalichNotes and rests5 +
Add Pitch Class to Notes Bob ZawalichText5 +
Add Plugin Preferences LibBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools6 +
Add Recorder FingeringsFloyd RichmondText6 +
Add Rehearsal Mark Plus Double BarlineBob ZawalichOther6 +
Add Rehearsal Marks At IntervalsBob ZawalichText6 +
Add Rehearsal Marks to Double BarlinesNeil SandsOther5 +
Add repeat with 1st and 2nd time barsKenneth GawLines6 +
Add Simple Click TrackBob ZawalichComposing Tools6 +
Add Slash Noteheads for Parts for Sibelius 6 Bob ZawalichNotes and rests6 +
Add Slash Noteheads for PartsBob ZawalichNotes and rests4.1
Add Slurs to MelismasSibelius SoftwareText4, 4.1
Add Text to Blank PageBob ZawalichText7.1 +
Add Timecode TextBob ZawalichText6 +
Add Tonic Sol-FaJames Larcombe/Neil SandsText6 +
Add TremolosHans-Christoph WirthNotes and rests4
Add Turbo CommentEd HirschmanComments6 +
Add Verse NumbersSibelius SoftwareText4
Add Work Number To Top Of PageEd HirschmanText6 +
Adjust Fake Lyric HyphenBob ZawalichText6 +
Adjust Grace Note Stem LengthsBob Zawalich, Matthew MaslankaEngravers' Tools7 +
Adjust Start Repeat BarlineBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Adjust Stem LengthsBob ZawalichNotes and rests7 +
Advanced CalculatorRoman Molino Dunn Other6 +
Align NotesBob ZawalichDevelopers’ Tools6 +
Align Objects to BarlineBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Align to BeatBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
All Symbols Labeled Bob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Alternate Harp PedalingBob ZawalichHarp6 +
Alternate PickingBob ZawalichGuitar6 +
Alternating SignaturesRoman Molino DunnComposing Tools5
Analyze Harmonic IntervalsRoman Molino DunnAnalysis6 +
Analyze Harmonic Intervals in FolderRoman Molino DunnBatch Processing6 +
Analyze Melodic IntervalsRoman Molino DunnAnalysis6 +
Analyze Melodic Intervals In FolderRoman Molino DunnBatch Processing6 +
Apply Color To Text In Style Bob ZawalichColor4 +
Apply Key Signature to Selection Bob ZawalichComposing Tools3, 4
Apply KidSib Font for Sibelius 3Gunnar HellquistNotes and rests3
Apply KidSib Font for Sibelius 4Gunnar HellquistNotes and rests4
Apply Named ColorBob ZawalichColor3 +
Apply seriesKenneth GawComposing Tools6 +
Apply Time Signature to Selection Bob ZawalichComposing Tools3, 4
Are Your Plugins Up-To-Date?Bob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools6 +
Arpeggiate Chords Bob ZawalichNotes and rests5 +
Arrange Brass Voicings Bob ZawalichArrange3 +
Arrange Voicings Bob ZawalichArrange3 +
Backup Plug-in for DevelopersEd Hirschman/Bob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools6 +
Backup Plug-in PreferencesBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools7 +
Bagpipes SuiteBob ZawalichComposing Tools6 +
Banjo Play Fretted 5th StringBob ZawalichBanjo6 +
Banjo Resources Bob ZawalichBanjo6 +
Barline ToolRoman Molino DunnNote Input6 +
Batch TransposeBob ZawalichBatch Processing5 +
Batch Transpose 12 Keys Bob ZawalichBatch Processing6 +
Beam 3 Eighths In Common TimeBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Beamed Note GroupsBob ZawalichNotes and rests6 +
Bookmark Bob ZawalichNavigation5 +
Box Line Fixed WidthBob ZawalichLines6 +
Bracket Chord SymbolsBob ZawalichChord Symbols6 +
Bracket Expression Text Bob ZawalichText5 +
Bracket NotesBob ZawalichLines6 +
Bracket TextBob ZawalichText6 +
Break At BarsRoman Molino DunnLayout5 +
BreaksBob ZawalichSight-impaired6 +
Browse Selected ObjectsBob ZawalichNavigation6 +
Browse WildcardsBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Calculate Golden SectionsVäinö PiipponenComposing Tools3, 4
Cautionary Time Signatures Bob ZawalichOther4 +
Change Case for Sibelius 4 Bob ZawalichText4 - 5
Change Case Bob ZawalichText6 +
Change Live PlaybackBob ZawalichPlayback2020.x +
Change Selected Barlines Bob ZawalichLayout5 +
Change Stem TypeJawher MatmatiEngravers' Tools8 +
Change Text Accidental SizeBob ZawalichHarp6 +
Check EntrancesRoman Molino DunnProof-reading5
Check Multiple StopsNeil SandsProof-reading3
Check Open and MuteRoman Molino DunnProof-reading5
Check PizzicatosSibelius SoftwareProof-reading3
Chord Symbol No BassBob ZawalichChord Symbols6 +
Chord Symbol No SuperscriptBob ZawalichChord Symbols3 +
Chord Symbols As Fractions Single ObjectBob ZawalichChord Symbols7 +
Chord Symbols As PolychordsBob ZawalichChord Symbols6 +
Chord Symbols for Sib 5 ExportBob ZawalichChord Symbols6 +
Circle TAB Half and Whole NotesBob ZawalichGuitar6 +
ClipboardsBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Close All PartsBob ZawalichOther7 +
cmdutilsBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools2021.2 +
Color Enharmonic PitchesBob ZawalichColor6 +
Color Harp Strings Bob ZawalichHarp5 +
Color Notes On StringBob ZawalichColor5 +
Color PickerBob ZawalichColor6 +
Colored Notehead StylesBob ZawalichColor6 +
Combine Rests Empty Voices Bob ZawalichNotes and rests4 +
Combine Text ObjectsBob ZawalichText6 +
Combine Tied Notes and Combine RestsBob ZawalichSimplify Notation6 +
Combine Tied Notes and RestsBob ZawalichNotes and rests3
Combine Tied Notes and RestsBob ZawalichSimplify Notation6 +
Command Search ShortcutBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools2022.9 +
Compare Score Info In Score And PartsBob ZawalichText6 +
Compare StavesNeil SandsAnalysis4, 4.1
Consolidate Ossia StavesBob ZawalichNotes and rests6 +
Convert Folder of Files to MIDISibelius SoftwareBatch Processing2
Convert Folder Of Macros To PluginsBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools2021.2 +
Convert Folder of Scores to Current Sibelius VersionBob ZawalichBatch Processing6 +
Convert Folder of Scores to Earlier Sibelius Version Bob ZawalichBatch Processing5
Convert Folder of Scores to Sibelius 2 or 3 Bob ZawalichBatch Processing4
Convert Legacy Chord Symbols Bob ZawalichChord Symbols6 +
Convert LV Symbols To LV TiesBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools2020.3 +
Convert Non Magnetic GlissesBob ZawalichLines8 +
Convert Spaces To UnitsBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools6 +
Convert Text to CommentsRoman Molino DunnComments6 +
Convert Two Staves PianoBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Copy and Paste Across TupletsKenneth GawTuplets6 +
Copy Articulations and SlursNeil SandsNotes and rests4
Copy Beaming and SlursFrançois FrèreComposing Tools2, 3, 4
Copy Double Note Values/Copy Halve Note ValuesBob ZawalichComposing Tools5 +
Copy Notes as Grace Notes Bob ZawalichComposing Tools6 +
Copy Notes Only and Repeat Notes OnlyCorwin NewallNote Input5 +
Copy PluginBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools5 +
Copy Signatures To New ScoreNeil SandsComposing Tools3 +
Copy Text For Delete BarBob ZawalichText4
Copy WildcardsBob ZawalichText6 +
Count Notes Bob ZawalichNotes and rests3 +
Count Selected BarsBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Counterpoint Intervals Bob ZawalichAnalysis5 +
Create Add Line PluginBob ZawalichLines6 +
Create Add Text Plugin Bob ZawalichText5 +
Create Blank Page Bob ZawalichLayout5 +
Create Chord Symbols From ListRoman Molino DunnChord Symbols6 +
Create Custom Articulations and BowingsRoman Molino DunnNotes and rests5
Create Insert Symbol Plugin for Sibelius 4 Bob ZawalichOther4
Create Insert Symbol Plugin Bob ZawalichOther5 +
Create N by M TupletHans-Christoph WirthNotes and rests5 +
Create Score DatabaseDavid StaffordOther4 +
Create Trailing Pseudo-Grace NotesBob ZawalichNotes and rests6 +
Create Tuplet Different UnitsBob ZawalichTuplets6 +
Cresc Dim Lines as TextBob ZawalichText6 +
Current Dynamics Bob ZawalichOther5 +
Current Instrument Name Each PageBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Custom Filter Bob ZawalichFilter and Find5 +
Custom Find Bob ZawalichFilter and Find5 +
Custom Note FilterBob ZawalichFilter and Find5 +
Custom Simple PluginBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools6 +
Custom Staff FilterBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Custom System FilterBob ZawalichFilter and Find5 +
Dangling Ties To SlursBob ZawalichNotes and rests6 +
Decrease and Increase DynamicsKenneth GawText6 +
Delete Bars Move System Objects Bob ZawalichLayout6 +
Delete Duplicate Text Lines Symbols Bob ZawalichText5 +
Delete Empty PartsBob ZawalichOther6 +
Delete Empty StavesBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Delete Empty Text StringsBob ZawalichText5 +
Delete Leading or Trailing Empty BarsBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Delete Music OnlyBob ZawalichNotes and rests5 +
Delete Normal Special BarlinesBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Delete or Update Title PageBob ZawalichOther5 +
Delete Pickup BarBob ZawalichComposing Tools6 +
Delete Rests Empty VoicesBob ZawalichNotes and rests5 +
Delete Title PageBob ZawalichLayout5 +
Delete top/bottom notesKenneth GawNotes and Rests6 +
Delete User-Editable FilesBob ZawalichBatch Processing6 +
Delete Versions in FolderJan KokOther6 +
Delete Voices 1-4Kenneth GawFilter and Find6 +
Deselect Hidden StavesBob ZawalichNavigation6 +
Disguise ScoreBob ZawalichComposing Tools6 +
Display Accidentals in Selected NotesBob ZawalichAccidentals6 +
Distribute Live Start PositionsRoman Molino DunnPlayback6 +
Distribute Score Info for Sibelius 4 Bob ZawalichText4, 4.1
Distribute Score Info Bob ZawalichText5 +
Divide DurationsBob ZawalichNotes and Rests6 +
Dolet 8 MusicXML 4.0 ExportMichael GoodBatch Processing2019.x +
Dot Undot RhythmBob ZawalichNotes and Rests6 +
Dotted Minim RestsMichael EastwoodNotes and Rests6 +
Double Barline at Time Signature Bob ZawalichLayout6 +
Draw Free Rhythm BarlineNeil SandsComposing Tools5
Dream SequenceAndrew MoschouPlayback4 +
Drum CuesBob ZawalichNotes and Rests6 +
Dynamics with HairpinsBob ZawalichLines6 +
Easy Drum Kit NotesKenneth GawComposing Tools6 +
Edit Formatted TextBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools6 +
Edit Initial InstrumentsBob ZawalichOther6 +
Edit Instrument And Staff NamesBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools2022.9 +
Edit Instrument Names Bob ZawalichText5 +
Edit Names Instrument ChangeBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools2022.9 +
Edit Part Instrument NamesBob ZawalichText6 +
Edit Part NamesBob ZawalichText6 +
Edit Text FileBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools7 +
Empty StavesBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Enumerate InstrumentsAndrew MoschouText4, 4.1
Erase BackgroundBob ZawalichText2023.x +
Evaluate Plugin ConditionBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools2018.x +
Exchange Staff Contents Bob ZawalichOther5 +
Execute Command Ids To Names Bob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools2021.2 +
Execute Commands Bob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools2021.2 +
Explode Staff To Parts Bob ZawalichComposing Tools6 +
Export All Versions Bob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Export Audio Score and PartsBob ZawalichPlayback6 +
Export Audio With Count-InBob ZawalichPlayback6 +
Export CommentsRoman Molino DunnComments6 +
Export Document Layout StyleBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Export Each Staff As Audio Bob ZawalichPlayback5
Export Folder As PDF With SubfoldersBob ZawalichBatch Processing7 +
Export Folder of Scores In Multiple FormatsBob ZawalichBatch Processing7 +
Export Manuscript Paper UnchangedBob ZawalichOther7 +
Export Midi or Audio with Standardised SettingsKenneth GawBatch Processing6 +
Export Scores With No PartsBob ZawalichBatch Processing6 +
Export Selection As Audio Bob ZawalichPlayback6 +
Export Selection As ScoreBob ZawalichLayout6
Export Text In ScoreBob ZawalichText6 +
Export to BlackbinderBlackbinderOther8 +
Extend Slur / Extend Hairpin Bob ZawalichNote Input4 +
Extract Parts From Folder Bob ZawalichBatch Processing3 +
Extract PhotoScore LyricsPeter HayterText3, 4, 4.1
Fill Score Info for Sibelius 4Bob ZawalichText4, 4.1
Fill Score InfoBob ZawalichText5 +
Fill Selection With Slash Notes Bob ZawalichNotes and rests6 +
Fill Up Pick-up BarPeter HayterNotes and rests3
Fill With SlursHans-Christoph WirthNotes and rests4
Fill With Tied NotesBob ZawalichNotes and rests6 +
Filter AllBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter By AccidentalsBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter By Show HideBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter Chord and Legacy Symbols Bob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter Chord Symbols By NameBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter Colored ObjectsBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter Comments Bob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter Dynamics Bob ZawalichFilter and Find5
Filter FamiliesBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter First NotesBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter Hairpins Bob ZawalichFilter and Find5
Filter Harp Pedal ChangesBob ZawalichHarp6 +
Filter Harp Pedal DiagramsBob ZawalichHarp5 +
Filter Hidden ObjectsBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter Note Arpeggios Jazz Artic Bob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter Notes By BeatBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter Notes By DurationBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter Notes By PositionBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter Notes By StringBob ZawalichFilter and Find7 +
Filter Notes Matching Chosen NoteBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter Notes Tied To - Simple Bob ZawalichFilter and Find5 +
Filter Notes With Dangling TiesBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter Objects In Bar Bob ZawalichFilter and Find5 +
Filter Orphan ObjectsBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter Other for Sibelius 5 Bob ZawalichFilter and Find5
Filter OtherBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter Slurred Notes - SimpleBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter slurs on gracenotesEmil WojtackiFilter and Find6 +
Filter Stem DirectionBob ZawalichFilter and Find7 +
Filter System Objects Bob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter TextBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter Text by LengthBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter What Was ChosenBob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Filter With Deselect Bob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Find and Fix Illegal TupletsMichael EastwoodTuplets6 +
Find and Replace Multi-FilterBob ZawalichText6 +
Find and Replace RhythmsPeter HayterComposing Tools2, 3, 4
Find and Replace TextStefan BehrischText4, 4.1
Find and Replace Text for Sibelius 5Stefan BehrischText5
Find Bar Number ChangeBob ZawalichFilter and Find5 +
Find Bars With BreaksBob ZawalichSight-impaired6 +
Find Colored ObjectsBob ZawalichFilter and Find5 +
Find Comments Bob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Find Empty Text Strings Bob ZawalichFilter and Find3, 4
Find Enharmonic Pitch Bob ZawalichFilter and Find5 +
Find Highlights Bob ZawalichFilter and Find5 +
Find Intervals From Keys Bob ZawalichComposing Tools3 +
Find Irregular And Misfilled Bars Bob ZawalichNotes and rests4 +
Find Next One Of These Bob ZawalichFilter and Find5 +
Find Note Arp Jazz Artic Bob ZawalichFilter and Find6 +
Find Previous Rehearsal Mark Bob ZawalichFilter and Find5 +
Find Range PlusVäinö PiipponenComposing Tools2, 3, 4
Find Rehearsal Mark Bob ZawalichFilter and Find5 +
Find Start of MovementBob ZawalichFilter and Find5 +
Find System ObjectsBob ZawalichSight-impaired6 +
Fix PhotoScore LyricsHans-Christoph WirthText4, 5
Fix TAB 5 String BanjoBob ZawalichBanjo6 +
Fix TAB Collisions Bob ZawalichGuitar5 +
Fix Tied Notes Live Playback Bob ZawalichPlayback3 +
Fixed Plug-in Shortcuts (Windows only)Hans-Christoph Wirth/Corwin NewallMenus and shortcuts4 +
Flip Selected NotesBob ZawalichNotes and Rests7 +
Flip Tie SymbolsBob ZawalichEngravers’ Tools6 +
Flip Vertical Arrow Lines And BracketsBob ZawalichLines6 +
Float RestsBob ZawalichEngravers’ Tools7 +
Focus Families Bob ZawalichFocus On Staves5 +
Focus SetBob ZawalichFocus On Staves5 +
Format ManuScript Comment For DevelopersEd HirschmanDevelopers' Tools6 +
Format Tempo and Metronome Mark TextEd HirschmanText6 +
French Chord NamesTim WatsonText2, 3
Fritts TransformationChris Shortway/Dr Lawrence FrittsComposing Tools6 +
Gap Before BarBob ZawalichLayout7.5 +
German Chord NamesGunnar HellquistText2, 3, 4, 5
Get Page Count Bob ZawalichOther4 +
Get User Folder Names Bob ZawalichOther4 +
Go To CommentBob ZawalichNavigation6 +
Go To Internal Bar NumberRoman Molino DunnNavigation5 +
Go To Next-Previous Page Bob ZawalichNavigation6 +
Go To Out Of Range NoteBob ZawalichNavigation5 +
Go To Staff and BarBob ZawalichNavigation6 +
Go To StaffBob ZawalichSight-impaired6 +
Go To TextBob ZawalichNavigation5 +
Go To Bob ZawalichNavigation5 +
Grace Note Durations Jan KokPlayback6 - 8
Groovy Music Mark-upDavid HarveyOther4, 4.1
Guitar Capo NotationBob ZawalichGuitar6 +
Guitar Capo Notation_Sib4Bob ZawalichGuitar4, 5
Harp ArpeggioIan CugleyHarp5 +
Harp Diagram from TuningBob ZawalichHarp6 +
Harp GlissIan CugleyHarp5 +
Harp Gliss and Octave NotesBob ZawalichHarp6 +
Harp Gliss From Pedal DiagramBob ZawalichHarp5 +
Harp Gliss PitchesBob ZawalichHarp6 +
Harp Gliss PlaybackBob ZawalichHarp6 +
Hidden Instrument Change Bob ZawalichOther5 +
Hidden Key Signatures Bob ZawalichOther5 +
Hide ArticulationsBob ZawalichNotes and rests6 +
Hide by LocationBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Hide Duplicate Rests Bob ZawalichNotes and rests4 +
Hide Empty Staves Grand StaffBob ZawalichLayout7 +
Hide in AllBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Hide MIDI MessagesBob ZawalichFilter and Find5 +
Hide or Show ArticulationsRoman Molino DunnNotes and rests5 +
Hide Rests in VoiceBob ZawalichNotes and rests4 +
Hide Specific Accidentals Bob ZawalichAccidentals5 +
Hide Staves and MusicBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Highlight Entire Selection Bob ZawalichOther5 +
Highlights To Comment ColorBob ZawalichComments6 +
Hit Points StaffBob ZawalichHitpoints4
House Styles For Manuscript PapersBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools7.5 +
Identify Selected ObjectRoman Molino DunnProof-reading4, 5
Identify Selected Symbols Bob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Import and Export Mixer SettingsKenneth GawComposing Tools6 +
Import Document Layout StyleBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Import House Style HistoryBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Import House Style into Folder of ScoresMichael KilpatrickBatch Processing3
Import House Style To Manuscript PaperBob ZawalichLayout5 - 8
Impose Sketch onto TemplateTom CurranOther6 +
Indent First BarBob ZawalichSight-impaired7.5 +
Initial Key Signatures And ClefsBob ZawalichSight-impaired6 +
Input Duration 2Bob ZawalichNote Input6 +
Input Durations Bob ZawalichNote Input5 +
Insert Bars at BeginningRoman Molino DunnComposing Tools5
Insert Bars with Different Time SignaturesAndrew MoschouOther6 +
Insert Current Dynamics Bob ZawalichText5 +
Insert One Symbol for Sibelius 4 Bob ZawalichOther4
Insert One Symbol Bob ZawalichOther5 +
Install New PluginBob ZawalichOther6 +
Instrument List Bob ZawalichText4 +
Intelligent TiesKenneth GawLines6 +
Inverse Select NotesBob ZawalichFilter and Find5 +
Invert ChordsBob ZawalichComposing Tools6 +
Keyboard shortcuts for text styles, lines and plug-ins Bob ZawalichMenus and shortcuts3
Label Harp DiagramsBob ZawalichHarp5 +
Left Align First Lyric In SystemBob ZawalichText6 +
Line Between NotesBob ZawalichLines5 +
List Plug-insBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools4 +
List Scale Tones Bob ZawalichOther4 +
Locate Colored Objects Bob ZawalichColor3, 4
Locate Highlights Bob ZawalichComposing Tools3, 4
Lock or Unlock Score and PartsBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Loop Selection Bob ZawalichPlayback4 +
Lower & Raise Pitch ChromaticallyBob ZawalichNotes and rests4 +
LV FakeBob ZawalichNotes and Rests6 +
Lyrics To Expression TextBob ZawalichText6 +
Lyrics Verse Numbers and AlignmentBob ZawalichText6 +
Make Layout UniformBob ZawalichLayout3
Make Page 1 of Part(s) Left FacingEd HirschmanText6 +
Make Page Count EvenBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Make Pitches Constant - DrumsRoman Molino DunnNotes and Rests6 +
Map Hide Empty StavesBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Map PagesBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Mark Enharmonic Pitches Bob ZawalichNotes and rests3 +
Maximize or Minimize CommentsRoman Molino DunnComments6 +
Melodic CompressionRoman Molino DunnComposing Tools5
Merge Bars Bob ZawalichLayout5, 6.0
Merge To Voice 1Bob ZawalichNotes and rests6 +
Minimum PluginBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools6 +
Minimum Plugin Add Plug PrefBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools6 +
Minimum Plugin ParentBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools6 +
Minimum Plugin Parent RPE_EnabledBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools2021.2 +
Minimum Plugin PreferencesBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools6 +
Misplaced Blank Page TextBob ZawalichText7 +
Move High Low Cross StaffBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools2021.2 +
Move Passage Selection to Next or Previous BarRoman Molino DunnNavigation5 +
Move Passage Selection Up or Down A StaffRoman Molino DunnNavigation4 +
Move Pitches to Transposed Mid-Line Bob ZawalichNotes and rests3 +
Move Selection Left/RightKenneth GawNavigation6 +
Move System Objects For Delete Bar Bob ZawalichText5 +
Move Text To Blank PageBob ZawalichSight-impaired6 +
Move Time Sig Repeat BarlineBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Move or Copy To Another VoiceKenneth GawFilter and Find6 +
Multiple Text EntryKenneth GawText6 +
Multicopy DynamicsBob ZawalichText6 +
Multicopy ObjectBob ZawalichText6 +
Multiply DynamicsKenneth GawText6 +
Multirest LineBob ZawalichNotes and rests3 +
Multirest Text Bob ZawalichText3 +
Multirests and Empty Bars Bob ZawalichComposing Tools3 +
Musical DiceRoman Molino DunnComposing Tools6 +
Mute Unmute Bob ZawalichPlayback6 +
My PluginsBob ZawalichOther6 +
Narrow Two VoicesHans-Christoph WirthLayout3 +
Nashville Chord NumbersBob ZawalichChord Symbols6 +
Negative Bar Number ChangeBob ZawalichText6 +
New Plugin LibBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools7.5 +
No Duplicates PasteKenneth GawOther6 +
Note Attached Arpeggio OffsetsBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Note Attached BracketsBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Note Properties LibBob ZawalichOther6 +
Note Ranges for Selected StavesBob ZawalichComposing Tools6 +
Note SpacingBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools7 +
Noten Aus Akkorden ErstellenBob Zawalich/Hans-Christoph Wirth) Composing Tools4.1
Number Multirest Bars Bob ZawalichText6 +
Number Staff NamesBob ZawalichText6 +
Offtonic 19-TETMauro BraunsteinPlayback6 +
Offtonic Note InfoMauro BraunsteinDevelopers' Tools6 +
Open All PartsBob ZawalichOther7 +
Open Selected PartsBob ZawalichOther7 +
Order and print parts from multiple scoresKenneth GawBatch Processing7 +
Ornament PlaybackSibelius SoftwarePlayback2, 3, 4
Ornament Playback With Fixed IntervalAlexander WuPlayback2022.3 +
Page NumbersBob ZawalichEngravers’ Tools7.1.3 +
Page Size Score and PartsBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Paste Rhythm to PitchesKenneth GawNotes and rests6 +
Paste to Chord SymbolsKenneth GawComposing Tools6 +
Paste To End Of BarBob ZawalichText6 +
Pedal Lines Bob ZawalichLines5 +
Percussion Pitch MapBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Pitch CountingChris Shortway/Dr Lawrence Fritts Notes and rests6 +
Pitch MultiplicationChris Shortway/Dr Lawrence FrittsComposing Tools6 +
Pitch Spectrum Bob ZawalichColor4, 5
Pitch ValuesBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools5 +
Play It Again! Bob ZawalichPlayback6 +
Play Loop for Sibelius 3Brian BargentPlayback3
Play Loop for Sibelius 6 and Sibelius 7Brian BargentPlayback6 +
Players Required Bob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Plugin Info Bob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools6 +
Plugin SetBob ZawalichSight-impaired5 +
Position DynamicsBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Position Rehearsal MarksBob ZawalichText6 +
Print Folder of ScoresSibelius SoftwareBatch Processing2, 3, 4
Print Folder Of Scores And PartsBob ZawalichBatch Processing6 +
Process Shorthand Drum PartsEwald CressComposing Tools3, 4
Proportional Note SpacingBob ZawalichLayout7 +
Quiz Plug-insVäinö PiipponenOther3, 4
Realize Chord Symbols and DiagramsBob ZawalichComposing Tools3
Reduce Staves To Full ScoreBob ZawalichComposing Tools6 +
Rehearsal RecordingsBob ZawalichPlayback6
Rehearsal Recordings for Cloud SharingBob ZawalichPlayback8
ReInput TextBob ZawalichText6 +
Relink Score Info In Dynamic PartsBob ZawalichText2020.6 +
Remove All Coloring Bob ZawalichColor3 +
Remove Coloring Bob ZawalichColor3 +
Remove Dangling TiesBob ZawalichNotes and rests3
Remove Duplicate Hit Points Bob ZawalichHitpoints4 +
Remove Duplicate PitchesBob ZawalichNotes and rests6 +
Remove Final Tied NotesBob ZawalichNotes and Rests6 +
Remove Lyric Extension Lines Bob ZawalichText4 - 8
Remove MIDI Pitch BendsMauro BraunsteinPlayback6 +
Remove Named NoteheadsBob ZawalichNotes and Rests7 +
Remove Previous Ties and Remove Final Tied NotesBob ZawalichNotes and Rests6 +
Remove Selected Highlights Bob ZawalichOther5 +
Remove Text Line FeedsBob ZawalichText6 +
Remove Trill Wiggly LinesEd HirschmanLines5 +
Renumber PagesHans-Christoph WirthText4, 4.1
Repeated Dynamics TextBob ZawalichProof-reading6 +
Replace Arpeggio Lines Bob ZawalichLines6 +
Replace Articulation SymbolsBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Replace Chord Diagrams With Chord Symbols Bob ZawalichChord Symbols5
Replace Color Bob ZawalichColor4 +
Replace Deleted Rests Bob ZawalichNotes and rests5 +
Replace From ClipboardBob ZawalichSelection6 +
Replace Line StyleBob ZawalichLines6 +
Replace Notehead StyleBob ZawalichNotes and rests6 +
Replace Or Delete ClefBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Replace Parts With DefaultsBob ZawalichOther6 +
Replace Rehearsal Mark Text With Rehearsal MarksBob ZawalichText6 +
Replace Rests With Bar Rests Bob ZawalichNotes and rests5 +
Replace SymbolBob ZawalichOther6 +
Replace Ties With SlursBob ZawalichNotes and rests6 +
Replace Trill Symbols with Trill LinesEd HirschmanLines5 +
Reposition Dynamics Bob ZawalichText5 +
Rerun Command Macro Bob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools7 +
Rerun My Plugins Bob ZawalichOther7 +
Reset MixerBob ZawalichPlayback6 +
Reset Position IndependentBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Reset Spacing In Score and PartsBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Resize Bar for Sibelius 5Bob ZawalichLayout5
Resize BarBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Resize SymbolsBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Respace Clef ChangeBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Respell AccidentalsBob ZawalichAccidentals8
Respell Accidentals Allow DoublesBob ZawalichComposing Tools6 +
Respell Chord SymbolsBob ZawalichChord Symbols6 +
Respell Flats as SharpsBob ZawalichAccidentals3, 4
Respell For Wrong Clef Bob ZawalichNotes and rests4 +
Respell Sharps as FlatsBob ZawalichAccidentals3, 4
Respell To Match Score And PartsBob ZawalichAccidentals8.3 +
Respell Uncommon Accidentals Bob ZawalichAccidentals3 +
Restore Edited Shipping FilesBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools6 +
Restore Plug-in for DevelopersBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools6 +
Restore Tempo Bob ZawalichText6 +
Retract Line EndsBob ZawalichLines6 +
Retract SelectionBob ZawalichSelection5 +
Reverse Text Bob ZawalichText3 +
Rhythm Section AssistantRoss LafleurComposing Tools4 +
Round Metronome MarksNeil SandsText6 +
Run Command Macro Bob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools2021.2 +
Run Plugin Hide Dialog Bob ZawalichBatch Processing2021.2 +
Run Plugin On Folder of Scores Bob ZawalichBatch Processing6 +
Run Plugins By NameBob ZawalichOther6 +
Run Plugin On Each Staff In SelectionBob ZawalichBatch Processing6 +
Run Plugin On Score And PartsBob ZawalichBatch Processing6 +
Run Previous Plug-inCorwin NewallMenus and Shortcuts4 +
Save All Close AllBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Save and Export Bob ZawalichEngravers' Tools7 +
Save Folder of Scores as Sibelius 2 Files Bob ZawalichBatch Processing3
Save or Restore SelectionBob ZawalichSelection6 +
Save or Restore Selection OutlineBob ZawalichNavigation6 +
Save Score With DateBob ZawalichOther5 +
Scale Notehead SizesBob ZawalichNotes and rests6 +
Scale NumbersRoman Molino DunnText5 +
Scales and ArpeggiosGunnar HellquistOther4, 4.1
Scordatura Bob ZawalichNotes and rests5 +
Score Original Version Bob ZawalichOther3 +
Select All FollowingBob ZawalichSelection6 +
Select Barline After Last Selected Object
Select Barline Before First Selected Object
Bob ZawalichSelection2018.x +
Select Initial BarlineBob ZawalichBob Zawalich2022.x +
Select Note At Playback LineBob ZawalichSight-impaired6 +
Select Notes in Chord PositionRoman Molino DunnFilter and Find5
Select Page & Select Staves on PageRoman Molino DunnNavigation6 +
Select Passage AllBob ZawalichSelection6 +
Select RangeBob ZawalichNavigation6 +
Select StavesBob ZawalichSelection6 +
Selection InverterBob ZawalichSelection6 +
Set Instrument SoundsBob ZawalichPlayback6 +
Set Play On Pass Bob ZawalichPlayback5 +
Set Space Before First Note in BarBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools7 +
Set Text Font SizeBob ZawalichText7.5 +
Shift HorizontalBob ZawalichComposing Tools6 +
Shift Line HeightBob ZawalichLines6 +
Show Hide Instrument NamesBob ZawalichText6 +
Show Instrument Ranges for Sibelius 5Roman Molino DunnAnalysis5
Show Instrument Ranges for Sibelius 6Roman Molino DunnAnalysis6 +
Show Staves In Parts Only Bob ZawalichLayout7 +
Simplify AccidentalsPeter Hayter/Michael KilpatrickAccidentals3
Simplify Part NamesBob ZawalichText6 +
Simplify Tied-To NotesBob ZawalichNotes and Rests5 +
Slash Notes At MidlineBob ZawalichNotes and Rests6 +
Smarten QuotesBob ZawalichText4, 4.1
SolfegeBob ZawalichText6 +
Solo or Mute By VoiceBob ZawalichPlayback6 +
Split Bar Rests Bob ZawalichNotes and rests3 +
Split Bar Bob ZawalichLayout4
Split Multirests Bob ZawalichLayout5 +
Split Multirests for Sibelius 4 Bob ZawalichLayout3, 4
Split Point One Staff Bob ZawalichNotes and rests4
Split Score Into MovementsBob ZawalichLayout6 +
Stem Direction Sib 6Bob ZawalichNotes and rests6
Store Data for WildcardBob ZawalichText6 +
String Harmonics Sounding PitchBob ZawalichNotes and Rests6 +
String HarmonicsBob ZawalichNotes and Rests5 +
StrummerDavid HarveyPlayback4
Style Sheet Bob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Suggest Page TurnsRoman Molino DunnLayout5
Swap or Replace Text StylesBob ZawalichText6 +
Swing FixDave FosterPlayback4, 4.1
Symbols Swap System and StaffBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
System Break At Final Barline And Section EndBob ZawalichLayout6 +
System Passage To Passage SelectionBob ZawalichSelection6 +
Systems Per Page Bob ZawalichLayout6 +
Tag Bar Number Changes Bob ZawalichText4
Tag Bar Number Bob ZawalichText4
Tag Rehearsal Mark Bob ZawalichText4
There It Is!Bob ZawalichSight-impaired6 +
Tidy After ConversionBob Zawalich/Jeremy HughesLayout6 +
Tidy Appended ScoresNeil SandsLayout6 +
Tidy ScoreKenneth GawLayout6 +
Tie Common NotesBob ZawalichNotes and Rests6 +
Tie Extended StableBob ZawalichNotes and Rests7 +
Ties Into Second EndingBob ZawalichNotes and Rests6 +
Time Signature For Irregular Bars Bob ZawalichLayout4 +
Timing for SelectionBob ZawalichComposing Tools5 +
Tin Whistle FingeringBob ZawalichText5 +
Toggle TextHans-Christoph WirthText4.1
Toggle True LV TiesBob ZawalichNotes and Rests2020.3 +
Trace Colored ObjectsBob ZawalichColor6 +
Trace Fonts For Text StylesBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools7.5 +
Trace Hidden Objects Bob ZawalichProof-reading4 +
Trace Instrument ChangesBob ZawalichDevelopers' Tools7 +
Trace Internal Bar NumbersBob ZawalichLayout5 +
Trace LinesBob ZawalichLines6 +
Trace MIDI MessagesBob ZawalichText5 +
Trace Page Numbers Score and PartsBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools7 +
Trace TAB CollisionsBob ZawalichGuitar5 +
Transfer HitpointsBob ZawalichHitpoints6 +
Transfer Plugin SettingsBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools7 +
Transfer Score InfoBob ZawalichText6 +
Transform Scale (English)Bob ZawalichComposing Tools5
Transform Scale (German)Bob ZawalichComposing Tools5
Transform Scale (Italian)Bob ZawalichComposing Tools5
Transform Scale (Japanese)Bob ZawalichComposing Tools5
Transform Scale (Spanish)Bob ZawalichComposing Tools5
Transform Scale for Sibelius 7 (English)Bob ZawalichTransformations6 +
Transform Scale for Sibelius 7 (French)Bob ZawalichTransformations6 +
Transform Scale for Sibelius 7 (German)Bob ZawalichTransformations6 +
Transform Scale for Sibelius 7 (Italian)Bob ZawalichTransformations6 +
Transform Scale for Sibelius 7 (Japanese)Bob ZawalichTransformations6 +
Transform Scale for Sibelius 7 (Simplified Chinese)Bob ZawalichTransformations6 +
Transform Scale for Sibelius 7 (Spanish)Bob ZawalichTransformations6 +
Transpose by IntervalBob ZawalichNotes and rests6 +
Transpose CopiesJan KokComposing Tools6 +
Trombone Slide PositionsIan CugleyText3, 4, 5
Tuplet Over BarlinesBob Zawalich and Robin WalkerTuplets6 +
UnarpeggiateBob ZawalichNotes and Rests6 +
Unfilter Selection and Unfilter Selection Whole BarsKenneth GawFilter and Find6 +
Unfold Repeat Bar Rests Bob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Unfold RepeatsBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools7 +
Unlink Objects In PartsBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools6 +
Use Shape Notes for AccidentalsMichael IsraelianNotes and rests6 +
Verse Styles For LyricsBob ZawalichText6 +
What Is Where for Sibelius 6Bob ZawalichProof-reading6 +
What Is WhereBob ZawalichProof-reading4, 4.1
Where Did It Go?Bob ZawalichMenus and Shortcuts7 +
Which House Style To UseBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools7.5 +
Who Uses This FontBob ZawalichEngravers' Tools7.5 +
Word Wrap TextBob ZawalichText6 +
X Y OffsetBob ZawalichNavigation6 +

RSS Sibelius Plugins RSS Feed.

  • Bracket Text February 9, 2025
    ****Puts brackets or parentheses (or any chosen character(s)) around each selected text object, or around the first and last text object matching the filtering conditions. It is especially useful for bold expressions (dynamics) entered with the ctrl or cmnd key, since those involve a font change, or for metronome marks that use noteheads.++++ ****Dialog settings […]
  • cmdutils February 9, 2025
    __Added 27 April 2021. Version 01.08.00 __This is a library of plugin routines designed to be called by other plugins. In particular, most of the routines can be executed directly from Execute Commands, or generated macros or generated plugins. __The routines are in the style of Commands - they act on the current selection in […]
  • Trace Lines January 31, 2025
    __Added 29 November 2022. Version 01.05.00. __Writes the position and duration values of all selected lines to the plugin trace window. The fields traced are: Staff, START bar, START position in bar, END bar, END position in End bar, duration, line type, style name, style ID, START dx, START dy, END dx, END dy. __Some […]
  • Filter With Deselect January 29, 2025
    Filters the same items as the Sibelius 6 Edit Filter menu plus Legacy Chord Symbols, but allows you to Deselect without needing to use the Advanced Filter. It also has an option to exclude user-defined text and lines. ___Updated August 29, 2009 to filter cue-sized objects. ___Updated 12 May 2010 to filter Sib 6 chord […]
  • Filter Other January 29, 2025
    __Adds filters for symbols, notehead styles, tied notes, time signatures, and grace notes, as well as a filter to text styles (defaulting to Technique). __Updated October 9, 2007. Now filters special barlines as well. __Updated March 19, 2008. Noteheads default to number rather than name. __Updated April 22, 2008. Minor notehead dialog change. __Note: This […]
  • Make Passage Selection January 25, 2025
    Added 25 January 2025. Version 01.05.02. This requires at least version 01.50.42 of the plugin cmdutils. This is likely to be a special-purpose plugin. This plugin turns a non-passage selection into a passage (box) selection that includes all the previously selected objects, including selected system objects. If system objects are found, the resulting selection will […]